
Tell us who you would like to order uniforms and we will create a secure login.
Purchasers can have different levels of access, from standard to superuser.

Buyers, administrators and managers

Buyers, web administrators and managers are people who have access to the web portal and are created by us at your request.

There are many levels of access to the portal, from creating draft orders to superuser access. We can use standard user profiles for web administrators, or we can create unique profiles for your company.

Web users can maintain their own passwords for extra security.

By clicking the user 'my account' icon, the user account is displayed showing the user details, access levels and branches.

Learn more about your user settings in this video by Tom Drew.

Access to the portal features is shown on the ‘My Account’ page.
The most popular features are shown here.

We can add or remove access to any of the features by request.

Currently we are creating a range of new features which will be available to high-level users.

Access Levels

Branches are another cornerstone of the portal structure. Your organisation can have as many branches or sites as required.

Buyers can be attached to one or more branches.

Staff are also linked to branches, enabling buyers to see only the staff in their branch list.

Branch information appears on all documents, including invoices for budgeting purposes.

My Branches