
Attach standard order reasons to each staff order, for example, ‘new starter’,
‘re-issue’ or ‘emergency’, or create your own unique order reasons.

Order reasons are a powerful tool for analysing your orders.

On completing a uniform set for your member of staff, a mandatory order reason must be selected from the pop-up.

Frequently used order reasons are pre-populated in the order reason list and include ‘New Starter’ and ‘Re-Issue’. We can alternatively set up bespoke reasons for you like ‘Emergency’.


If you would like more detail in your ordering data, you can set up bespoke ordering reasons.

For example, you may want to tag your orders with order reasons related to a special event like 'Summer Season', 'Festival Week' or 'Christmas Markets'.

The choice of reasons is only limited by how you would like your data to be viewed and your imagination.

Bespoke Reasons